Tuesday, December 28, 2010

First Christmas!!

Believe it or not, this was Tripp and I's first Christmas spent together. We were excited to share our first Christmas together!! After brunch on Christmas Eve, we spent time at my parents' house hanging out with the family and helping get things ready for Christmas. That evening, me, Tripp, mom, dad, Claire, Laura, Darr, and Aunt Peggy had a fabulous dinner at Tony Angelo's. We opted to get the "Feed Me" where we were able to sample many of the chef's favorites from the menu. We had marinated mushrooms, shrimp, salad, homemade pasta, pork, rosemary chicken, fried catfish, and more.

After dinner, we went to visit Aunt Peggy's husband Tim who was working Christmas Eve and Christmas at the firestation. He showed us around the station and even took us for a spin around the block in the firetruck. Once back at the station, we played around in the truck taking pictures and goofing off. Pictures to come!!

Christmas morning, we had breakfast of scones and cappuccino and began opening presents. We all got some really nice gifts and had a great time as a family. Once the mess of all of the wrapping paper was cleaned up, we got ready for family to come over. Many relatives came over for lunch and visiting. The holiday celebration ended with a game of "White Elephant." Tripp and I stole with strategy and lucked out getting $25 cash and a $25 Barnes and Noble gift card!

We then left for another visit with members of my dad's family at Aunt Peggy's house. We visited, snacked, and played another round of "White Elephant." This time, I left with a set of 4 New Orleans themed glasses. Tripp got a cool shooting game, but wound up giving it to a family friend who had stopped by during the game. He was so excited to get such a cool present.

Throughout the day, Tripp and I talked to Tripp's parents and siblings who were celebrating in Mentone, Alabama. They were surprised with a white Christmas. The pictures they sent we beautiful with over 6 inches of snow on the ground! We missed seeing the Griffith clan!

It was a wonderful first Christmas!!

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